translated from Spanish: Veronica, sister of Tehuel de la Torre: “We know we are looking for a body”

Veronica De La Torre, tehuel’s sister, who has been missing for more than two months and with two detainees for the cause, Luis Alberto Ramos and Oscar Alfredo Montes, declared on Wednesday that the rakes made throughout the day in the Bonaerense town of Alejandro Korn “had negative results”.
“We know we’re looking for a body. We know that with all the time he’s been through, we’re not going to find him alive. All we want is to find him,” Veronica De La Torre, Tehuel’s sister.

“We know we’re looking for a body. We know that with all the time he’s been through, we’re not going to find him alive. She is strong but so,” Tehuel’s sister said, in front of television media in the San Vicente area, where police officers worked.” Another rake was made in the same lagoon where he had already been sought. The result at the moment is negative, but they will continue to investigate and further work will be continued with the case. All we want is to find Tehuel,” Veronica added, in statements disseminated by Télam.

Veronica De la Torre in the raking operation by searching for Tehuel | Photo: Télam

It was more than two months since March 11, when Tehuel left his home, which he shared with his partner to go to a job as a waiter that Luis Alberto Ramos – who has a history of violence and drug sales – had promised him. As a minor fact, Ramos’ home “found a burned-in phone and some clothing, which could belong to the missing young man,” according to what the investigation was assigned. That March 11, his partner filed a complaint with 1st Precinct, seeing that Tehuel had not returned. Oscar Alfredo Montes, a scrapper with a criminal record for sexual abuse, is also in custody for his disappearance on the charge of “real contest cover-up with false testimony.”

Red raking | Photo: Télam

While judicial sources told Télam that the raking ordered by prosecutor Karina Guyot “are measures arising from what has been being worked on in the investigation”, Véronica De la Torre was responsible for needing more information on this subject, detailing that “there was a person who told the investigators that he saw someone throwing bags of waste for that side”, area of the Tacuru Lagoon.According to Veronica’s testimony, the witness who provided that information recognized Ramos “as the person who threw the bags”. “Detainees don’t talk. They’re mutually silent. We have information from a neighbor who saw them,” said Tehuel’s sister, accompanied by a group from the Ministry of Women, Gender Policy and Sexual Diversity bonaerense.What to do if you have information?
Tehuel has a sturdy frame, white weed, short dark hair and measures about 1.56 meters.

Search for Tehuel | Illustrative image

You are requested to contact the Decentralized UFI of St. Vincent, call 0221-429-3015 or write to

Original source in Spanish


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