translated from Spanish: Australia: after 3,000 years Tasmanian demons were born

Some seven specimens of Tasmanian demons were born naturally in Australia, after 3,000 years of their disappearance in the wild. This was confirmed by NGO President Aussie Ark Tim Faulkner.” We were watching them from afar until it was time to act to confirm the birth of our puppies,” he told the AFP news network. He also indicated that the rangers examined the bags (or marsupias) of the females and found the newborns in “perfect health”.
Faulkner revealed that seven of these mammals were born in a 400-hectare wilderness in Barrington Tops, north Sydney. These births came after 26 adult specimens were released into a shrine less than a year ago. In mainland Australia it is speculated that these mammals were exterminated by herds of diingos, wild dogs, about 3,000 years ago. They weigh up to 8 kilos and have black or brown fur, feed on other animals of their entorm or corpses, and are usually not dangerous to humans. Aussie Ark plans to release more Tasmanian demons into the reserve over the next few years, as these animals are classified as an endangered species. It is now estimated that nearly 25,000 demons still live on the island of Tasmania.
In this note:

Tasmanian Demon

Original source in Spanish


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