translated from Spanish: The Minutes of Power 31052021

May is over and there is perhaps reason to be more optimistic than a week ago. In this, a series of data should confirm that the Chilean economy is in full recovery, driven by consumption and a favorable external scenario. Investment continues to recover from mining, energy and infrastructure. But the uncertainty has not disappeared and volatility will become a reality as the constituent process develops. Luckily, Ivan Weissman brings us a new edition of El Semanal.

For the economist Gabriela Clivio, the results of the last election show that no bloc has won a third of the votes and with this, initiatives cannot be blocked. He says that it is mandatory for those who have the task of drafting the new Constitution to work towards consensus. And that the tremendous vote recorded by the independent candidates has shown, among other things, the disillusionment that the citizens have with the political class, which – in their opinion – at this point should not be a surprise to anyone and, less so, to foreign investment banks. Believe and collaborate.

“Chile was coming from a deep social crisis, which until December 2019 we did not know how to solve. But this, in the current conditions of global health crisis, certainly turns out to be an advantage. The world is moving from the health crisis to the social crisis, and Chile has already made the journey and could therefore take advantage. But the advantages have to be promoted, enhanced, because otherwise they close or hopefully are occupied by others.” The reflection is Felipe Rivera’s in today’s featured opinion.

We close this minute, hoping that Elon Musk does not succumb the price of Bitcoin with some unexpected tweet. And while some see volatility around cryptos, others see opportunities and Chile is not far behind in the face of this boom.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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