translated from Spanish: Court found defendants guilty of crime of young scout in San Vicente de Tagua Tagua

The Court of Oral Trial in the Criminal of Rancagua declared guilty to the two defendants for the crime of the young scout Tomás Acevedo Olea, fact occurred in 2019 in San Vicente de Tagua Tagua.The defendants are Ulises Labrín and a young minor of 16 years of initials F.S.M., by unanimous vote of the court , were convicted of the crime of aggravated homicide. According to Meganoticias, the judge of the court maintained that “to reach such a decision, the following has been taken into consideration: as for the crime of homicide, it was not discussed by the interveners that on July 27, 2019, shortly before noon, the victim Tomás Acevedo Olea, was summoned to attend to meet with the minor in the vicinity of the Zamorano bridge , located in the commune of San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, where she was with the co-defendant Ulises Labrín.” Once at the scene, the injured man was approached by Labrín Garrido, who was carrying a knife with which he caused numerous injuries, which reached an approximate number of between 267 and 280 wounds, being at least eight of them of a fatal nature, which caused his death by acute anemia, having as its original cause multiple cutting wounds by assault with a knife. Vital injuries, recent and of the homicidal type, “he explained. The reading of the judgment will take place on 11 June, at 12 noon.

Original source in Spanish


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