translated from Spanish: Fire at juvenile correctional facility in Egypt leaves at least 6 dead

Egypt.- An intense fire on Thursday in a juvenile detention center in the city of Cairo, Egypt led to the death of at least six young people as reported by officials. According to international reports, the fire allegedly originated after a fight between two minors in a wing of the facilities located in the Marj district of the Egyptian capital.
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In addition to the six fatalities, at least 20 children were burned. Read more: ‘Man stabbed her in the chest’, teacher visits student and avoids femicide According to The Associated Press, those responsible for the fire were arrested, while authorities investigate the causes of the fire. So far it has not been established what caused the fire, however, some local media point out that it may have been a short circuit. Regarding the incident, the Akhabar el-Yom newspaper reported that the children had been trapped in the fire because the pavilion was locked.

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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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