translated from Spanish: Lula and Hernique Cardoso supported Alberto Fernández’s position in Mercosur

The former presidents of Brazil, Lula da Silva and Fernando Henrinque Cardoso published a petition in favor of the position promoted by Alberto Fernández within Mercosur, opposed to Luis Lacalle Pou of Uruguay and Jair Bolsonaro.” We agree with the position of Argentine President Alberto Fernandez that this is not the time for unilateral tariff reductions by Mercosur, without any benefit to the bloc’s exports,” they said in a statement. 

Both former leaders sealed in recent weeks an important alliance to fight Bolsonaro and his far-right politics in the South American giant.” We also agree that it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the bloc so that all its members fully develop their industrial and technological capabilities and participate in a dynamic and creative way in the contemporary global economy,” they said.

video of @Herezeq (Twitter)

The Minister of Economy of Brazil, Paulo Guedes, defends a position of reduction of the Common External Tariff to allow the entry of products imported from other regions with lower tariffs in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil.Also the Brazilian government promotes, contrary to what indicates the Treaty of Asuncion of the founders of the bloc, that each country can sign free trade agreements unilaterally.

Original source in Spanish


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