translated from Spanish: “No more abuses against women”: Modatima leader Veronica Vilches is again threatened with death

The leader of the Movement for the Defense of Water, Land and Environmental Protection (Modatima), and president of the Rural Drinking Water Committee of the town of San José (Province of Pertorca), Verónica Vilches, was again threatened with death, which happens for the second time in four months.
Strangers scratched “Death to Veronica Vilches” in the APR office she runs.
“Today, Monday, June 7, we filed an appeal for preventive amparo in favor of Verónica Vilches demanding that the justice system identify those responsible for the new death threats she has received,” modatima’s national spokesman and governor-elect of the Valparaíso region, Rodrigo Mundaca, said in a video.

Video via Twitter: @modatima_cl
“We want to tell Veronica Vilches not to decline, to always count on us, no more threats to women and less to those of Modatima. No more abuses,” added Katta Alonso, spokeswoman for Women in the Sacrifice Zone in Resistance.
Vilches had already been threatened with death on 12 February this year. The method was similar: a scratch in the APR office he runs.

Does justice “work”? On February 12, Vero Vilches was threatened with death with a scratch at the rural drinking water headquarters where she works. Yesterday someone, the SAME PERSON, did it again.
Do not pass piola, please
— Matías Asun (@matiasasun) June 7, 2021

As part of World Environment Day (5 June), Amnesty International launched a campaign to highlight the harassment of women water defenders in Chile.
“In 2017, six PDI officials arrived at the water supply plant without any documents. They insisted a lot to make the well work and at every moment they touched their weapons, it seemed that they wanted to confuse and frighten me. Later they told me that I, from that moment, was being charged for stealing water for the community of San José and they made me sign some papers,” Vilches said about one of the threats she has experienced during the launch of the campaign.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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