translated from Spanish: Motorcyclist dies after skidding in El Fuerte, Sinaloa

Sinaloa. On Monday night, a motorcyclist died after suffering a skid on one of the dark roads in the municipality of El Fuerte, Sinaloa. The identity of the victim, who was left lying on the side of the road, is still unknown. The identity of the victim, who was left lying on the side of the road, is still unknown.
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According to the information gathered, the report to Public Security was given shortly after 10:00 p.m.; in it they reported that a person had skidded while driving on the road in the vicinity of the community of Tesila, belonging to the municipality of El Fuerte.Read more: Remmy Valenzuela is sued by his cousin before the Prosecutor’s Office for violence and malicious injuries When the emergency bodies arrived at the place, they confirmed that the motorcyclist no longer had vital signs , so the area was cordoned off and notice was given to personnel of the Deputy Prosecutor’s Office to come and attest to the facts.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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