translated from Spanish: Government by declaration of constituents: “We call to respect the rules that are in the constitutional reform”

The Minister of the Presidency, Juan José Ossa, referred to the declaration of 34 members of the constitutional convention, who said they will abide by the regulations and regulations without subordinating themselves to the Peace Agreement signed in November 2019, which allowed the constituent process, which they maintained, “the people never signed.” The secretary of state insisted that “the government fully respects the degrees of independence that the Constitutional Convention has, but we are also categorical in the sense that the constitutional reform that gave rise to the convention establishes certain rules that must be respected.” With this, he insisted that “the candidates who stood for the convention and who were elected, were elected under those rules. In that sense, we believe that everyone should respect them and we trust that the vast majority will do so.” Ossa also addressed the role that the government will take, reiterating that “it has to play a role that is the one that is in the constitutional reform, which is to provide technical, administrative, and financial support, but I want to categorically deny what has been pointed out, that the government intends to interfere in the regulations.” In this regard, he said that “the government is not preparing a regulation, it is not going to prepare it and it cannot do so. What is different is that we call for respect for the rules that are in the constitutional reform,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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