translated from Spanish: Prayers for the Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Mexico.- Different religious celebrations will take place this 2021 being the closest to be held, that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that is commemorated on Friday after the Octave of Corpus Christi, in other words, eight days after the Thursday of Corpus Christi that this year is the 11 of June. June being the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it is customary for the Catholic Church to render devotion to all the 30 days that make up this sixth month of 2021.
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If you are a devotee of the Catholic faith and do not know how to celebrate this important date in the face of the risks of going to parishes in the face of Covid-19, then we show you three prayers for you to surrender devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.Read more: Horoscopes today, Friday, June 11, 2021: what your zodiac sign saysOración al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús para que end la pandemic COVID-19
Lord Jesus,you who are heart lover,throbbing ternuray overflowing with care by your brothers men,especially the most needy and those who suffer for any reason. We beg you or The Most Sacred Divine Heart to take into your hands the course of this pandemic that is ravaging us and to put an end to it according to your long-awaited designs. And to us, give us a heart of solidarity like yours to put ourselves at the service of all who suffer. Amen.Prayer of Marriages in Trouble to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart of Jesus: We entrust to you our marriage, which in this pandemic goes through a ordeal. You who destined us to love and unite us forever renew in us the sacramental grace; re-encender with Your fire our love. Deliver us from violence, hopelessness and fear. Make our heart meek and humble, similar to yours. Teach us to help us, to understand us, to forgive us. May Your Word guide us, may we support ourselves in Your cross, under Your light we walk, and with the example and intercession of Your Holy Family we continue together and love each other in faith, hope and joy. Amen.Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to protect our Fatherland
O Sacred Heart of Jesus: to You we entrust our Fatherland. Immerse it in the sea of your mercy. Help us to build in it your Kingdom of love and justice, of peace and forgiveness. And to your beloved Mother Saint Mary of Guadalupe, our Lady of reconciliation, we ask you to protect us in the hollow of her cloak, at the crossing of her arms, to keep our nation in harmony, and to remind us that we are all brothers. Amen.With information From the Faith the official weekly of the Archdiocese of Mexico

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