translated from Spanish: Provoste by declaration of 34 members of the Constituent Assembly: “We all have edges on which we carry out our task”

The president of the Senate, Yasna Provoste, referred in a dialogue with Radio Universo, to the declaration of 34 members of the constitutional convention, who said they will abide by the rules and regulations without subordinating themselves to the Peace Agreement signed in November 2019, which allowed the constituent process, which they maintained, “the peoples never signed.” Provoste in the radio talk said that “we hope that the mandate of the citizens, in which I include myself because I am part of those who went to vote (…), is that within a period of nine months plus three additional months they can propose to the country what is the new Constitution that will draw this new Chile. That’s the mandate we all gave him.” Regarding the declaration of the elected conventioneers, the President of the Senate pointed out that “all of us, they, we, have edges on which we carry out our task.” From the moment everyone presented their names, there is a confirmation and validation to a process that we think is very important, and that is how through this route we will be able to write a new Constitution,” he added. Provoste also said that “the mandate that the 155 constituents have is an enormous challenge and I am sure that they will fulfill that citizen’s mandate, which is to present a new Constitution that will also have an exit plebiscite.” 

Original source in Spanish


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