translated from Spanish: Susana Giménez, positive for coronavirus: “I have a horrible body aching”

Susana Gimenez tested positive for coronavirus. The driver, who is in Uruguay, received the first dose of the vaccine at the Maldonado Campus in late April. While last Friday he received the second dose of pfizer.” He had symptoms the day he was emptied, swabbed and tested positive,” Said This morning Angel de Brito, who confirmed the result of the driver’s test, and that of his daughter Mercedes Sarrabayrouse, who also became infected. “The first one who had symptoms was one of his employees. But it’s impossible to determine who got infected first,” the driver said in Los Angeles morning.

First information via Twitter

For her part, Susana also spoke. In a conversation with Luis Novaresio, the driver said: “I sat very well oxygen, but I have a horrible body aches. I can’t speak.” While his daughter Mercedes, confirmed the same information in conversation with other media.

On Telenoche, Nelson Castro said that the diva should “have mild illness,” having received both doses of the vaccine. “It is very important to know when the first dose was given. After the first 10 days of getting vaccinated, the antibodies are already being generated. If you have protection, chances are you won’t have any complications,” he said.
On this note:

Original source in Spanish


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