translated from Spanish: Dalma Maradona joins “El Marginal”

A new challenge comes to the life of Dalma Maradona that adds to the recordings of El Marginal, the production of Sebastián Ortega and Pablo Cullel. 

Dalma now develops as a panelist in the radio program “A perfect day” with Nicolás Cayetano and Gabriel Schultz and participated in fictions such as the unitary “Hospital Público”, the film “La Rabia” and the novels “Fanny, la fan”, “Campanas en la noche”, “La persuasión”, among others, after debuting in “Cebollitas” at the age of nine. The fourth season of this series, which has a tendal fans waiting, has already confirmed a fifth season, to which Dalma would be added and put in the shoes of the girlfriend of Diosito, the character played by Nicolás Furtado. However Dalma has not yet confirmed the news so we are waiting for the news while we wait for the premiere of the fourth season. The next installments promise the participation of Juan Minujín as Pastor and Martina Gusmán as Emma. Gerardo Romano will also return, in the shoes of Antín, who will face Rodolfo Ranni, Claudio Rissi (Mario Borges) and Daniel Pacheco Bautista (James). For the advances, you can also see the return of Abel Ayala (César).

It is expected that the fourth season will premiere this year on the Netflix platform, which has not yet confirmed the date but anticipates the synopsis ” After the fire of San Onofre, the fates of Pastor, Mario Borges (Claudio Rissi) and Diosito, cross again in the prison of Puente Viejo, led by a cynical director, along with the Monkey and his band , capos of the prisoners. To this confrontation is added the local branch of the U21. Meanwhile, the reunion between Pastor and Diosito will revive strong feelings for both. From the outside, Sergio Antín (Gerardo Romano) will operate to seize the power of the prison. And Emma Molinari (Martina Gusmán) will help Pastor in a new and dangerous escape attempt.”

Original source in Spanish


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