translated from Spanish: Maju Lozano’s touching message following the loss of two family members to Covid

If there is something that characterizes Maju Lozano is his eternal smile, however the driver is going through, along with her family, a delicate moment, because in a few days she lost her aunt and uncle.” Today my aunt passed away from coronavirus. Last week my uncle, her husband, also died of coronavirus. Within a week my cousins were left without parents… It’s all sadness in my family, a lot of sadness… And one comes here as if seeking comfort or explanation for something that doesn’t have it,” he wrote with great regret on twitter.

My aunt passed away from Covid Today Last week my uncle, her husband, died of covid.
Within a week my cousins were left without parents…
It’s all sadness in my family, a lot of sadness…
And one comes here as if seeking comfort or explanation for something that doesn’t have it… — Maju (@soymajulozano)
June 16, 2021

Quickly his followers wanted to convey their affection and Maju thanked leaving room also to carry a message of awareness and hope.” Thank you for so many messages of love! Hugs from the soul for all who are going through similar and even more terrible situations… I am very sorry for your pains. These are very hard times for everyone. You have to keep going and have a lot of strength and faith,” he said.

Thank you x so many messages of love!
Hugs from the soul for all who are going through similar and even more terrible situations…
I am very sorry for your pains
These are very hard times for everyone…
You have to keep going and have a lot of strength and Faith
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ — Maju ,@soymajulozano
June 16, 2021

Original source in Spanish


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