translated from Spanish: Bayer Mexico summons youngsters for Mexican field

Mexico City.- The New Ventures organization, with support from Bayer Mexico, launched Siembra, a project acceleration program focused on agribusiness, in order to strengthen the production processes of small farmers in the national countryside and contribute to the economic development of the sector. Young Mexicans up to 35 years of age will be able to register early-stage entrepreneurship projects that provide innovative solutions to the countryside and help improve the quality of life of agricultural producers.
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Projects that register in the program must be focused on training, digitalization, technology, gender equity, financial inclusion, or sustainability and have a direct impact on farmers or their communities. Read more: It is important to promote conservation agriculture in the state of Sinaloa “With this program we seek to train entrepreneurs with a social focus, who transform the lives of those around them, by generating initiatives that benefit small farmers through innovation and new business models. These projects will allow them to grow more efficiently and sustainably, bringing benefits to their families and communities,” explained Alejandra Menache, Manager of Sustainability and Social Responsibility at Bayer Mexico.

In turn, Armando Laborde, partner at New Ventures, said: “We believe that life in the countryside can be improved through young entrepreneurs with innovative business proposals. Siembra seeks to identify these entrepreneurs and support their initiatives with mentoring, training and funding.” Based on this partnership with New Ventures, which for more than 15 years has been empowering social and environmental entrepreneurs in Latin America, Bayer seeks to advance its vision of no one hungry, supporting food security, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture. In addition, Siembra aligns with its corporate initiatives such as the 2021 Youth Summit for Agriculture, and its programs to support smallholder farmers. Siembra consists of three phases: an initial Bootcamp for 50 entrepreneurs; an acceleration program with the top 10 projects selected, and potential access to financing for projects with greater scalability. The 50 young people selected in the call will participate in a three-week Bootcamp where they can access content related to Business Model (finance, marketing, sales, growth stages, access to investment); DesignThinking, Impact Model, Networking and inspiration sessions with successful ventures, where Bayer executives will also participate as speakers and/or mentors. Read more: From the field to your cupboard; caravan of rural products arrives at the squares of CDMXThe 10 projects that are chosen finalists, will pass to a stage of acceleration, with a duration of 4 months. In this process they will receive personalized advice, a diagnosis to establish the status, areas of opportunity of the enterprise and objectives of the acceleration process, as well as mentoring in the relevant areas with mentors based on the scheduled goals. In addition, the best evaluated, will be able to apply for a financing with preferential conditions. Those who are approved for the credit will be given a strategic accompaniment for its management. The registration of the proposals can be made from today until next July 31 on the site

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