translated from Spanish: Residents call for help after clashes between armed groups in La Ruana (video)

Michoacán. – Through videos on social networks, residents of the community of La Ruana called for help after a series of shootings, looting and burning of homes by armed groups.
The confrontations between the Jalisco Cartel New Generation and the United Cartels became more intense during the early hours of Friday in that area of Tierra Caliente, so that the residents were caught in the crossfire of both sides.

They surround the Raton regional leader of United Cartels for the second consecutive day the shooting is heard in the molinito municipality of Apatzingán
— Citizen Intelligence Unit (@UnidadDeInteli1) June 18, 2021

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“Please, someone to help us, they are shooting at us in the house, we can not go out, there are little children, people who owe nothing, someone who can help us,” pleads a woman in a video circulating on social networks.

This night Families of the Ruana Michoacan under attack of United Cartels are shot, la Sirena, Kamoni and Omar Mora are held responsible for the nalgona
— Citizen Intelligence Unit (@UnidadDeInteli1) June 19, 2021

Fountain El Sol de Zamora.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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