translated from Spanish: In a single day, India managed to vaccinate more than eight million people against Covid-19

The Indian Ministry of Health reported on Monday that during the last 24 hours a record 8,095,314 people have received a dose of the vaccine, well above the previous record of 4.26 million doses administered on April 2.” The vaccine remains our most powerful weapon to fight COVID-19. Congratulations to those who have been vaccinated and glory to all the frontline warriors who work hard so that so many citizens can be vaccinated,” said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, through a message on Twitter.This Monday the initiative for the free vaccination of all Indian citizens over the age of 18 has begun to operate thanks to the purchase by the State of 75 percent of local production of pharmaceutical companies. Private hospitals will be able to continue to buy vaccines and administer them for a fee.” The central government today begins the Free Vaccination Campaign for All aimed at all citizens. The main beneficiaries will be the poor, the middle classes and the young,” Modi had previously posted also on Twitter.India’s authorities on Monday reported nearly 53,000 cases of coronavirus over the past day, the lowest number in nearly three months, amid a steady decline in infections in recent weeks. The Indian Government has indicated through the social network Twitter that during the last 24 hours there have been 53,256 positives and 1,422 deaths, bringing the totals to 29,935,221 and 388,135, respectively. He also highlighted that there are currently nearly 700,000 active cases in the country, while 28,844,199 people have recovered so far from COVID-19, including more than 78,000 over the past day. In this context, the authorities in the state of Delhi, where the capital is located, have removed some of the restrictions imposed during the pandemic, including an extension of the opening hours of bars and the reopening of parks and gardens. India saw a dramatic uptick in coronavirus infections between April and May, months in which it was above 100,000 daily cases, including three weeks above 300,000 and four days above 400,000 positive.

Original source in Spanish


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