translated from Spanish: Mexico has 4,233 COVID infections; cases rise 11% in a week

The Ministry of Health on Tuesday reported 4,233 new cases of COVID. According to the agency, since the beginning of the pandemic, 2,482,784 people have been infected in Mexico.
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There are currently 26,986 active cases that have been confirmed by Health. In one week, the number of infections has increased by 11%.
The highest number of active cases are found in Mexico City (7,183), Tabasco (2,359), Baja California Sur (2,309), Yucatan (772 thousand) and Tamaulipas (407), while the entities with the fewest reports are Tlaxcala (19), Aguascalientes (43) and Zacatecas (63).
The authorities said that in the last 24 hours 261 more deaths from COVID were reported, so there are already 231,505 deaths due to the disease, and there are 12,576 suspicious deaths. So far one million 977 thousand 71 patients have recovered.

Daily Technical Release: Novel Coronavirus in the World #COVID19 | June 22, 2021
— SALUD Mexico (@SSalud_mx) June 22, 2021

Mexico City (44,222), State of Mexico (28,500) and Jalisco (12,523) accumulate more deaths, while Campeche (254 thousand), Colina (313 thousand) and Baja California Sur (477 thousand) report less.
Nationally, the occupancy of general inpatient beds is 17%, while ventilator beds are 14%.
Read more: Mexico to donate COVID vaccines to Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago
More than 28 million have been vaccinated
According to the Ministry of Health, 28 million 198,409 people have been vaccinated in the country, of which 60% have the complete scheme, while 40% have only received the first dose.
On Tuesday it reported that 32% of people over the age of 18 have already been immunized. By entity, more vaccines have been applied in Baja California (57%), Mexico City (49%) and Zacatecas (40%).
The states where the lowest amount of doses have been applied are Chiapas (15%), Puebla (23%), Veracruz (23%) and Guerrero (25%).


COVID-19 cases and deaths in Mexico

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Data from February 27, 2020, when the first case was confirmed in the country.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the record 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

New CASES OF COVID-19 in Mexico

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Data from February 27, 2020, when the first case was confirmed in the country.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the record 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

Confirmed deaths from COVID-19 in Mexico

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

*They do not correspond to the day they occurred, but to the day they were added to the total record of deaths. Data from February 27, 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the country.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the record 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

List of COVID-19 cases in Mexico

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Data from February 27, 2020, when the first case was confirmed in the country.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the record 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are the cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contacto with one confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

Daily percentage increase in confirmed cases

Updated information with the Technical Communiqué of the Ministry of Health.

Increase in

compared to the previous day

This graph shows the acceleration of the epidemiological curve since March 1.

The first confirmed case in the country was on February 27, 2020.

Note: on October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that point and added to the record 2,789 more deaths, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory test, but with Viral Respiratory Disease that had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health

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Original source in Spanish


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