translated from Spanish: Cafiero: “A dose of Sputnik V gives the same coverage as the Johnson & Johnson”

Amid the uncertainty over the lack of second doses of Sputnik V, the government is trying to bring peace of mind to those who are serving the three months since the first application. “The people who have the first dose of Sputnik have the same coverage as the complete Johnson & Johnson scheme,” said Cabinet Chief Santiago Cafiero.The official remarked that the government “at no time discontinued the second dose” and reiterated, in line with the words of Health Minister Carla Vizzotti, that “there is no expiration of vaccines.”
“Between Monday and Friday 5 million doses will arrive”

“The vaccination schedules are going to be completed, at no time has it been discontinued,” he insisted, in statements to TN, while taking the opportunity to charge against the management of Cambiemos: “Vaccines do not expire if they are applied, they expire if they are in a shed of the Ministry of Health.” And then he took aim at former President Mauricio Macri to confirm the coverage provided by the vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Institute: “He who has a dose of Sputnik has the same coverage as the one who took a plane to Miami to get the Johnson & Johnson, as the former president.” There are leaders who make policy with vaccination, their role is distressing. What exists today are 6 million people who have received Sputnik, but only 330 thousand people who fulfilled the 90 days of those 6 million that the opposition speaks,” he said, in relation to the opposition’s criticism. Cafiero highlighted the progress of the immunization plan and said that “between Monday and Friday 5 million doses will arrive, with which we will reach 25 million vaccines.”

Original source in Spanish


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