translated from Spanish: Arrest warrant issued against son of former deputy for acid attack on saxophonist in Oaxaca

Oaxaca.- Authorities issued an arrest warrant against the son of the former deputy for the acid attack on saxophonist in Oaxaca.La saxophonist María Elena Ríos was attacked with acid, so a judge issued an arrest warrant against Juan “N”, son of former deputy Juan Vera Carrizal, related to the crime committed in the 2019.La order was granted by the judge of the Superior Court of Justice , according to Arturo Peimbert Calvo, Attorney General of Justice in Oaxaca.Read more: They claim that truck loaded with drugs did have a Morena logoThe official added that he has asked for collaboration in his simile in the state of Puebla, since the clues indicate that the person involved sought refuge in that entity. The Criminal Agency of Investigators has already carried out authorized searches with a court order in various properties owned by Vera Carrizal, arrested for the acid attack on the face of Maria Elena.The investigations carried out by the authorities indicate that they searched two ranches, three properties, two companies and gas stations where the person involved could be hiding. Despite the search for John “N”, he was not located and only found some of his belongings such as dirty clothes. The searches were carried out in the municipalities of Tonalá, Huajuapan de León, Huazolotitla and the area of Villa de Etla. Peimbert Calvo said that they could ask for help from prosecutors in the other states of Mexico to locate the suspect involved in the attack on the saxophonist. Read more: Veteran Firefighters paramedic is attacked by strangers and left injured in MazatlanIt has just pointed out that Maria Elena Rios, reported that the businessman issued threats against him after she asked to end the love affair she had with him. In response, the subject asserted that he had a lot of “economic and political” power in Oaxaca. Video: Surprise buffaloes swimming in immense lagoon in Veracruz

Original source in Spanish


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