translated from Spanish: Gollan: “What we will not lack in the coming months are going to be vaccines”

The Minister of Health of the province of Buenos Aires, Daniel Gollan, said that vaccines against the coronavirus “will not be lacking in the coming months they will be vaccines” and asked “to transmit security to the population because we are protected.” Speaking to Radio 10, Gollan predicted that in two or three months the current situation will be different. In addition, he said that so far there is no need to “combine vaccines.” The head of the health portfolio of the province of Buenos Aires reported that in the district was detected “a very high level of registration of people between 50 and 60 years” of about 95% in people over 60 years and almost 86% among the population of 50 and 60 years. On the other hand, he considered it important to “transmit security because we are fully protected”, although he pointed out that “we still have to make a balance between care and vaccination” and encouraged “to continue taking care of ourselves a little more”. Regarding the number of vaccinated in the jurisdiction, he indicated that between today and tomorrow, some 6 million Buenos Aires residents will be immunized with one dose and about 1 million and a half in the complete scheme.” Those who are three months into vaccination will receive the second dose of the vaccine,” he said, noting that the population will have “a very different summer” in 2022. 

Original source in Spanish


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