translated from Spanish: Who is the trans guy that M’Balia, from 0V7, is in love with and trumpeted everywhere?

Mexico.  M’Balia, member of the musical group OV7, has a new romantic partner and is pleased to show it off and share on Instagram some images in which she appears next to her. The singer M’Balia Marichal, sister of the singer Kalimba, is very much in love and causes a stir among her fans by posing next to her new love. It is about a trans boy, whose name is Álex Tinajero.La beautiful singer shares with his fams that he has found love again and has a new partner, which excites them a lot and they congratulate her for it. He recently turned years old and she expressed to him how much she loves and admires him and is glad that he is by his side. Read more: Ginny Hoffman’s niece alleges her own uncle sexually abused her: ‘Nobody ever did anything for me.’ M’Balia has about a year sharing her life with Alex, and as she is quite reserved of her private life, she had kept it a secret, but lately not so much anymore. M’Balia and Álex Tinajero, his new partner. Instagram photo Love many congratulations. Let the laughter not end and the living in fullness. The best surprises are ahead… Master of hugs and expert in interesting talks. Pioneer of non-existent roads, heart of gold. Brilliant, funny, determined, bold, brave,” the singer wrote to her partner. Álex Tinajero lives in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, is a fan of the group 0V7 and especially of M’Balia, for about fifteen years, and according to information in the magazine TVNotas, he used to go to all the concerts of the group and especially be close to M’Balia. The same magazine has published that Tinajero is a transsexual man and M’Balia is happy to be able to share her life with him. In an interview with several programs in CDMX, including De Primera Mano, she said: I am living an incredible moment in all aspects of my life, I am in love, happy, I am in a time of opportunity.” Recently M’Balia attended the premiere of the play Sie7te in the company of his partner and they were the center of attention. His appearance comes a few days after some alleged homophobic comments were made public by his bandmate, Lidia Ávila, who does not accept M ́Balia’s relationship. M’Balia. Instagram photo According to the publication cited, Lidia Avila, also a member of 0V7, considers that M ́Balia is “unrecognizable” after six months ago she began a homosexual relationship with a fan of OV7, reasons that would have led her to not want to know more about her. Read more: Paulina Rubio boasts about her trip to Paris, which she gave for her 50 years of lifeAbout the above, Lydia defended herself on social media and said that she has deeply rooted the values that her family instilled in her and said that all human beings have the same right and freedom to love whoever they want without any labels. SUBSCRIBE HERE TO DISNEY PLUS What ‘Cruella’ is all about Disney’s new live action

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Etiquetas: mexico

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