translated from Spanish: Walmart says yes to packers, after protests by seniors

Walmart Mexico and Central America announced that volunteer packers will be reinstated in stores, following several protests by older adults who had left supermarkets as part of preventive measures against COVID-19, but who had since been warned that the company had permanently dispensed with its services.
Through a statement, Walmart said the decision was made after customers asked them to reinstate the seniors.
“At Walmart, we listen to our customers on an ongoing basis to offer them the best shopping experience. In recent days, customers in our stores have expressed their support for the reintegration of older adults as volunteers themselves who, as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, had withdrawn from our stores,” he said.
You may be interested: Older adults unpack hope of returning to work in supermarkets
The company said it is in talks with the National Institute of Older Persons (INAPAM), as well as with the Secretariat of Economic Development of Mexico City, so that in those states where the epidemiological traffic light is green, older adults already vaccinated are allowed to resume their work.

A month ago, when the company announced that it would remove volunteer packers from stores, it argued that the decision was made because customers preferred not to touch third-party products, and that by official order they no longer gave away bags to pack.
Now, Walmart said customers who prefer to pack their purchases will be able to comment on it to cashiers, and do so themselves.
“We appreciate the understanding of all our customers, associates and suppliers who help us to continue to respect all the preventive measures we have put in place to continue offering a safe shopping experience and a safe place to work,” he concluded.
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Original source in Spanish


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