translated from Spanish: Judge refused to dismiss Britney Spears’ father as her legal guardian

A Los Angeles Superior Court judge denied a petition to remove Britney Spears’ father as guardian of the American singer’s estate, so Jamie Spears will continue to partially protect his daughter. Judge Brenda Penny’s ruling is about the request the artist made in November last year, and does not refer to the one just a week ago, where she launched serious accusations against all those who tutor her. At that hearing seven months ago, Britney demanded that a fund called the Bessemer Trust become solely responsible, but the magistrate has denied it.” The guardian’s request to suspend James P. Spears immediately following the appointment of Bessemer Trust Company of California as the sole guardian of the estate is without prejudice,” the record reads. Last week, the “Baby, one more time” singer asked to end the legal guardianship for which her father has controlled her life for 13 years, deeming it “abusive” and “absurd”. Her father asked the justice system to investigate the allegations made by the artist, which include forced labor, forced medical therapy, inadequate medical care and deprivation of personal rights. Currently, legal guardianship is divided into two parts: the personal, supervised by attorney Jodi Montgomery, and the financial, over which the father still exercises control with an investment fund.” Mr Spears is not her guardian. He hasn’t been his tutor since September 2019. Ms. Montgomery has been fully in charge of Mrs. Spears’ personal care and daily medical treatment,” the father’s defense says. Jamie Spears also maintains that she cannot communicate directly with her daughter and that she was “very saddened to learn of her difficulties and suffering.” The father’s statement clashes with Britney’s testimony: The pop star claimed he “enjoyed” exerting control over her and that he should be in jail. In turn, she cited episodes dating back to 2018, when her father was full legal guardian, in which she was forced to work against her will and in which she received heavy lithium medication when she refused to rehearse for a Las Vegas show.” I want to get my life back,” the star said. “This guardianship is paying the salaries of many people. I’m fed up,” she added before a Los Angeles courthouse during a phone tap filled with strong statements like “I’m not happy,” “I can’t sleep” and “I cry every day.” For her part, guardian Montgomery released a statement, through her attorney Lauriann Wright, to refothe allegations by Britney’s father, who said his only purpose is to “encourage her on her way so that she no longer needs guardianship.” The next hearing in the case is scheduled for July 14.

Original source in Spanish


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