translated from Spanish: They evacuated a building in North Miami Beach because its structure is unsafe

Following the collapse of the Champlain Towers South building in Surfside, local authorities ordered the evacuation of another residential tower in North Miami Beach, called crestview Towers Condominium, following an inspection that found unsafe structural and electrical conditions. On Friday, the decision was determined based on a re-certification report, dated Jan. 11, 2021, that was filed with the city of Florida.This fact occurred, since after the tragic collapse in Surfside, the mayor of Miami-Dade County, Daniella Levine Cava, ordered an audit of the buildings that were 40 years old or older. The North Miami Beach Police Department assisted with the evacuation of the more than 300 residents. On the other hand, the municipal authorities are looking for places to house evacuees with the help of the Red Cross.” As a precautionary measure, the city ordered the immediate closure of the building and the evacuation of residents for their protection, while a full structural assessment is conducted and what the next steps to take will be determined,” City Manager Arthur H. Sorey III said in a statement. The building is located about 11km away from the Champlain Towers, where 24 people died from the collapse of a part of the building. 

Original source in Spanish


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