translated from Spanish: Bassa: “Today we begin to walk a republican and also popular path”

The vice president of the Constitutional Convention, Jaime Bassa (district 7) thanked this Sunday the support obtained in his election and made himself available to the presidency of Elisa Loncón to carry out the process of drafting the new Constitution for the country.” Today we are beginning to walk a republican path, but also a popular path, a path of democratic representation, but also of social participation,” he said. He also said that “the challenge we have now from now on is to be able to build that braid from justice, from inclusion, from respect and from diversity.” We have many challenges that remain that are in some way the wounds and debts that arise from the social process that has brought us here,” he added. Along with the above, he referred to the prisoners of the social explosion, saying that “only this morning we publicly assumed the commitment to discuss a declaration of this assembly regarding the prisoners of the revolt””It is a debt that we have to be able to talk, to pay off, and I believe that this is a good space to generate the conditions for a democratic dialogue , of justice, of inclusion,” he said. He also closed by saying that “social stability, social peace has a cost and that cost is justice and we have to be able among all, everyone and everyone to create the conditions for that to happen.” Meanwhile, it was reported that tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. there will be a new session of the constituents, where the issue of expanding the board of directors of the Constitutional Convention could also be discussed.

Original source in Spanish


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