translated from Spanish: Johnson confirmed the end of restrictions in the UK for July 19

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced today that wearing a mask and respecting physical distancing will no longer be mandatory in England from July 19. That day is the one planned by the British government for the total reopening of activities despite the advance of the Delta variant, which even led to delaying the date scheduled before June.

As we come to the fourth step, we have to balance the risks – the risks of the disease and the risks of continuing with legally enforced restrictions that inevitably take their toll on people’s lives and livelihoods. — Boris Johnson , @BorisJohnson
July 5, 2021

That mutation originally detecated in India raised the contagions to 25,000 cases per day but Johnson stressed that despite this there was no sharp increase in hospitalizations and deaths, thanks to the efficiency of the vaccination plan.” We have to openly accept that if we do not lift the restrictions taking advantage of the arrival of summer, when are we going to do it,” the president acknowledged at a press conference.

Thus, in two weeks they will be able to reopen discotheques and other nightlife venues with the possibility of dancing and consuming at the bar, there will be no limitations on private meetings or large events such as concerts or matches and the slogan of teleworking will end. Despite these advances, which will also include the cessation of the obligation to wear chinstraps and respect the metre and a half of distance, Johnson called on Britons to apply common sense and “learn to live with this virus”.

Original source in Spanish


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