translated from Spanish: Silvano Aureoles of the governors with more observations for mismanagement of public resources

home Featured, Michoacán Silvano Aureoles of the governors with more observations for mismanagement of public resources

Photo/ Government of Michoacán
Mexico.- According to data from the Superior Audit office of the Federation, the governor of Michoacan, Silvano Aureoles, is the one who so far concentrates the largest amount of resources mishandled and that remain unresolved with 16 thousand 93 million pesos in total, which is equivalent to almost 30 percent of all the unresolved resources of the fifteen outgoing presidents.
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Of the governors who will leave, Aureoles Conejo is the one who presents the greatest amount of mismanagement observed by the auditors, which can represent a patrimonial damage with 226 irregular facts in total. The anomalies detected in Michoacán are related to the management of more than 20 different funds and items.
Two weeks ago Silvano Aureoles stated in an interview that MORENA’s candidates, including his successor in government, had won the election thanks to the support of organized crime. In response, the former governor of the same state, Leonel Godoy, said that the PRD member was trying to divert attention from the corruption inquiries that will be initiated against his administration as soon as he leaves office.}
Source: Animal Politico

Original source in Spanish


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