translated from Spanish: Ssa promotes the use of covers with photo of Alcocer, López-Gatell and Ebrard without it

Mexico.- Today the federal government showed that advertising is not its thing, because it promoted measures against Covid-19, such as the use of the raincoat, with a photograph in which the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer, appears; Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard; and Undersecretary Hugo Lopez-Gatell without wearing it. In the morning conference of the National Palace, in the section “The pulse of health”, López-Gatell acknowledged that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic recorded a 22% increase in the estimated cases nationwide, so they called on the Mexican citizens to follow health security protocols. Through the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Health, Mexicans were encouraged to keep a healthy distance, to wash their hands constantly and to use the cover-up, as measures to prevent the contagion and spread of the virus in the third uptick experienced by the Mexican Republic. Read more: AMLO’s Deception! However, what most caught the attention of the users of this social network was that precisely in the publication in which the government agency urges the citizens to take care against the contagion, they attached a photograph in which three distinguished officials appear without wearing the mask during the conference of President López Obrador. The tweet was filled with more than 150 comments in which netizens demanded that virus mitigation measures be promoted when Jorge Alcocer, Marcelo Ebrard and Hugo López-Gatell appeared in the image without wearing the bottle cap and without maintaining the required distance. Man buys all the merchandise to child street vendor VIDEO

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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