translated from Spanish: They are looking for Enrique, an elderly person who disappeared in Guasave

Sinaloa.- Family member of an elderly man from Los Mochis requested support from Civil Protection to disseminate the image of Enrique Araujo, 84 years old, last seen in the Central Camionera de Guasave, when he got off a bus. Macario Gaxiola, director of Civil Protection, explained that in fact the elderly man was seen in the Central when he got off the unit, and he was not seen going up again. Don Enrique Araujo Espinoza, 84, was traveling alone from Los Mochis to the city of Culiacan and got out of a truck north of Sinaloa, but for unknown reasons no longer boarded the transport unit. He does not suffer from his mental faculties. Read more: This year there are 19 deaths from road accidents in Mazatlan, is about to exceed the figure of all 2020In particular signs it was described that he is of thin complexion, wears short, brown hair, with thick black mustache, and wore brown denim pants, black shoes, cherry shirt, and wore a navy blue cap with the legend ‘ECO’.  His loved ones detailed that he disappeared at the Guasave Trucking Station, where he was seen around 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday. For any information or data that helps locate you, you can contact the cell phone 6681440851, ramona Hilda Araujo, and 6731015383. His relatives will file the complaint today with the Attorney General’s Office based in Guasave. Video TikTok, Cameraman dodges a bullet that passes grazing

Original source in Spanish


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