translated from Spanish: Repro II: Formalize the requirements for the payment of June salaries

The Ministry of Labor on Thursday made official the pre-selection and selection requirements that employers must meet to receive the repro II benefit for wages earned in June. Through the programme, the State pays part of the workers’ wages on account of the payment of remuneration by the affiliated employers. The benefit extends for one month, so those interested must enroll in the program on a monthly basis to access it. Regarding the pre-selection criteria for critical sectors, the turnover recorded in June 2019 and the period between 1 and 21 June of this year will be taken, and the difference must give at least a fall of 20% in real terms and an increase of at most 71% in nominal terms.

The same billing parameters will apply to non-critical sectors, with the difference that the comparison will be made between May 2019 and the same month of this year. The same comparison period will also apply in the health sector, although the difference in turnover must give at least a variation of 0% in real terms, and at most an increase of 119% in nominal terms. For self-employed workers (monotributists and self-employed), there is the Emergency Assistance Program for Independent Workers in Critical Sectors. For its preselection, the new provision of the Ministry of Labor establishes that the same values will be taken as the critical and non-critical affected sectors, in terms of the variation of the turnover, comparing that of June 2019 with that of the period between June 1 and 21 of this year.

On the other hand, depending on the economic and labor situation observed in June, it was determined that the parameters of the selection phase defined for May should not be modified, with the exception of the percentage change in invoicing and VAT purchases, which should change. The maximum allowed for the variation of billing and VAT purchases will be 71% for the non-critical affected sectors (it was 69% in May) and 113% for health effectors (it was 112%). Finally, the amounts remain at $22,000 for workers in companies in critical sectors, the same amount as for health and for the Emergency Assistance Program for Independent Workers in Critical Sectors, and at $9,000 for non-critical affected workers.
On this note:

Original source in Spanish


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