translated from Spanish: The Mezcal War

According to current legislation, an Appellation of Origin must have three elements: declaration of protection, Official Mexican Standard and certification body. On 28 November 1994, the resolution granting the protection provided for the appellation of origin Mezcal, to be applied to the alcoholic beverage of the same name, was published in the Official Journal of the Federation.
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Mezcal is an appellation of origin that has particularities with respect to others, due firstly to the size of the protected territory, the constant enlargements of the protection zone and the interaction of large producers. The latter employ modern techniques, with producing families whose capacity is minimal both in terms of processing practices and quantities. This gap between producers entails a social issue that sometimes generates friction between producers. The purpose of the verification body is to verify the quality of the product, covering the entire production chain; that is, from the planting of agaves to packaging and marketing. In the case of mezcal, the certification body was the Mezcal Regulatory Council, which was operating for several years and although it did not have sufficient resources maintained the operation until 2021.Derived from the change of leadership, a problem was generated that if not controlled can have social implications. The outgoing leadership, led for years by Hippocrates Nolasco, carried out a change of statutes favoring representation, through delegates and a structural modification, which included the creation of a surveillance body. A sector of the members of the Council was dissatisfied and convened an assembly, in which the changes referred to in the previous paragraph were unknown and a new leadership was elected, now headed by Abelino Cuetero, which was unknown to the sector related to the outgoing administration that voted for another governing body. Certification work is currently being carried out by the two warring factions, which creates uncertainty for producers, but also for buyers. To these two groups is added a third, represented by Juanito Martínez, constituted by the small producers who consider necessary a certification with preferential prices, given their limited economic capacity. If this problem is not solved, the credibility of the Designation of Origin and the viability of small traditional producers are put at risk. THE COLDNESS OF the numbers in the supply of medicines for the public sector, exposes the official indolence that, in another time, could have ended in an impeachment trial against the health authorities. See you: the government of T4 decided not to purchase the medicines used by the public sector, which was traditionally supplied with consolidation mechanisms within the country, and decided instead to pay the United Nations Office for Project Services (Unops) about $109 million to make an international consolidated purchase , which ultimately turned out to be 98% supplied by companies established in Mexico. Even worse: the Unops, directed here by Fernando Cotrim, and the Institute of Health for Welfare (Insabi), led by Juan Antonio Ferrer, selected one thousand 183 keys of medicines to be acquired, but 55% of the keys summoned, that is, 653, were deserted. Of the 530 that were awarded, 40% is not guaranteed, that is, it does not have a contract, which is very serious because companies do not have the certainty of the purchase and can not plan the production that, as in the whole world, requires at least three months of time to entregarse.SI YOU ARE in the business of foreign trade in petroleum products this may interest you because in the 4Q , according to the provisions of the SAT managed by Raquel Buenrostro, the private company will have fewer and fewer spaces for the business of oil transportation and “only” the productive companies of the State may request the entry or exit of hydrocarbons through places other than those authorized (LDA). Currently in the bulk oil and petrochemical terminals there are companies that enjoy the authorization of LDA. I mentioned the cases of Hidrosur, william Karam, in Progreso, and Ienova, Carlos Ruiz Sacristán, in Veracruz, which operate as a controlled precinct. What the 4Q has been doing is not granting new permits or in maritime terminals and much less on land (border), because it intends to resume the monopoly of the distribution of oil. All this is being operated by the Energy Regulatory Commission, chaired by Leopoldo Melchi, and the Environmental Safety Agency, in charge of the five times rejected to occupy positions in energy organisms, Ángel Carrizales.EN EL MUNDO have been born around eight million human beings with the help of some assisted reproduction, so for 50 years fertility techniques have been developed that help couples to conceive. In Mexico, 15% of the population of reproductive age has problems fathering children, some 26.6 million couples, which represents a potential business of 121 million pesos. Dr. Héctor Godoy Morales, director of the Clinic of Fertility and Reproductive Surgery ART and head of the Reproductive Medicine Unit at the Hospital Ángeles del Pedregal, is a pioneer in the application of these techniques in Mexico and says that there is a 45% success rate when adequate treatment is carried out. Some of the procedures can range from artificial insemination or sperm training, to highly specialized procedures, such as “in vitro” fertilization or egg vitrification. Due to the lack of a quorum in the Economy Committee yesterday, it was not possible to discuss the replacement of the president of the Federal Economic Competition Commission, Alejandra Palacios. Gustavo Madero, who chairs the commission, waited for informal legislators such as Napoleon Gomez Urrutia, Alejandro Armenta, Jorge Carlos Ramirez, Gerardo Novelo, Ernesto Perez, Gilberto Herrera, Ifigenia Martinez, and Maria Marena to connect. The process is urgent because the deadline for renewing the presidency is September.

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