translated from Spanish: Collapse in Miami: 90 fatalities amount to

Since the collapse of the 12-story tower, Champlain Towers South, in Surfside, in the U.S. state of Florida, teams of experts have been working at the scene of the tragedy to rescue the bodies of the victims. On Sunday, more than two weeks after the collapse of the building, the death toll rose to 90, after finding four more bodies, of which 71 have been identified while 31 missing are still being searched, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava confirmed at a news conference on the 18th day of the search. Authorities carried out a controlled demolition last Sunday of the rest of the building, allowing teams to advance into previously inaccessible excavation areas. Search operations continue 24 hours a day and “we are about to access the cars in the garage” underground, said Alan Cominsky, chief of the Miami-Dade fire department.

More than 6,000 tons of concrete and other debris were removed from the site and Cominsky avoided giving a deadline for the completion of the operation. “It’s hard to give a date, but we think we’ll be able to remove all the debris,” he said, stressing that “it’s a methodical job for the crews who are doing the search by hand. It’s a slow process.” After it was decided to change the search and rescue operation to a strategy of recovering bodies, an Israeli team that arrived in south Florida shortly after the building collapsed said goodbye on Sunday, with a ceremony in Surfisde.In this context, Levine Cava thanked the battalion for its “tireless dedication” and in recognition of the foreign rescuers , the mayor handed over the keys to the county to the Israeli commander and colonel, the first two handed over as head of the miami town.

Original source in Spanish


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