translated from Spanish: Sending war materiel to Bolivia: they propose to create a commission of inquiry

The national deputy for the De Todos front, Walter Correa, presented a bill to create a bicameral commission of investigation into the shipment of war materiel to Bolivia by the government of Mauricio Macri, during the coup against Evo Morales.The text states that the commission “will have as its objective the evaluation and clarification of the causes, circumstances and consequences of the sending of war and / or riot control material, weapons or other accoutrements to Bolivia by the government of ‘Cambiemos’, during the disastrous events that occurred in 2019” in Bolivia.In dialogue with Telam, the legislator said that “it is important to form a bicameral because I understand that the representatives of the people , through both chambers, they can act, investigate, assist as one more power to the Executive Branch in this to go to depth with the truth about what happened with the shipment of weapons to the Bolivian dictatorship.

“We must raise awareness considering how expensive the democratic system in our republic has cost us Argentines, especially considering that the Macrist government made democracy precarious, attacked democracy, and witnessed a dictatorship in a brotherly country,” he said. In turn, Correa spoke of “making it clear that the Creole right, which persecutes you, prosecutes you, represses you, imprisons you and kills you and shows how it acts in what our ‘Patria Grande’ means.” Correa proposes that the Special Investigative Commission be “composed of four national deputies and four national senators, appointed by the presidents of each chamber, respecting the plurality of their representation”The bill says that the Commission will prepare reports and formulate “concrete and useful” proposals to hold the authors accountable and promote “legislative reforms that tend to discourage behaviors such as those investigated,” among other objectives.

On the closing of yesterday’s meeting, the government filed a complaint against former President Mauricio Macri and officials of his administration for the alleged “illegal shipment of weapons and ammunition to Bolivia” before the economic criminal justice system. The complaint bears the signatures of Justice Minister Martin Soria and Security Minister Sabina Frederic, as well as AFIP Head Mercedes Marcó del Pont, and points to Macri as “high-level officials of the National Executive Branch” during his administration.

Original source in Spanish


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