translated from Spanish: María Eugenia Vidal: “We are worse off than when we left the government”

The pre-candidate of Juntos por el Cambio for deputy for the City of Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal, criticized the Government for its handling of the pandemic and said that the country’s situation is “worse” than when Cambiemos (now JxC) left power in December 2019.” I have no doubt that we are worse off than when we left our government. There is more poverty, more destitution, people find it difficult to make ends meet (…) The data are objective,” Vidal said. It is a fact that we had the longest quarantine in the world to take care of health and this number shows that we did not achieve it, and it is one of the countries that fell the most economically without a back and more jobs we lost,” he said. The former governor, campaigning after announcing her candidacy, said that the government is only ten seats from the majority and considered that “that is not good for any democracy.” On the other hand, Vidal referred to the internals within the opposition coalition, after the internal short circuits generated by his refusal to run in Buenos Aires Province.” (Mauritius) Macri is stubborn and so am I, but it was always like that, and many times we have disagreed. Our relationship is solid enough to go beyond a candidacy,” he said. The former president pushed for Vidal to run in the province, but the former governor eventually opted for the city of Buenos Aires. It was not a minor decision. Her return to the Federal Capital, where she was already, among other positions, deputy prime minister, forced Patricia Bullrich to withdraw her candidacy. The candidate promoted by the Buenos Aires ruling party highlighted the gesture of the former security minister and considered it an act of “greatness.” “I don’t feel like I beat him,” he said. When asked by the Buenos Aires intern — everything points to facundo Manes, the UCR candidate, facing Diego Santilli of the PRO[Party of the Democratic Party]Vidal considered the current deputy head of government a “better candidate,” since, she said, she has management and experience. However, he considered the renewal of leaders within the front to be a positive development.

Original source in Spanish


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