translated from Spanish: Young man is shot dead in attempted theft of his sports car

Uruapan, Michoacan .- A young man was shot dead by gunmen who tried to steal his sports car, moment in which he opposed the robbery and thus was assaulted, according to the information provided by police authorities to this media in the journalistic work. There is a wounded one.
The event was on the Uruapan-Paracho road, at the entrance to the town of Cheranguerán. The now deceased was identified by his loved ones with the name of Antonio V., 20 years old, who according to sources close to the matter was driving a Black Ford Mustang car on the aforementioned road and was accompanied by a friend.
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The contacts added that at a certain moment the victim was intercepted by some kittens, who would have tried to steal his sports car, however the victim objected and the criminals shot him and thus snatched his existence to immediately escape in an unknown direction.
The friend of the victim was injured by a “slash” bullet and was treated by local paramedics without needing medical attention. The staff of the Attorney-General’s Office initiated investigations into the matter with the aim of clarifying it. The deceased was taken to the morgue for rigorous studies.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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