translated from Spanish: Invisible Childhood in Pandemic – The Counter

Considering the different obstacles and challenges that people have faced in a pandemic, it is necessary to relieve what until the minute has not been considered important or urgent, as is the case of the mental health of children and young people. It seems that once again the centric adult gaze has prevailed, making invisible the real problems that afflict this segment of the population.
Although the risk of becoming seriously ill from Covid-19 in this age group is lower, there are other risk factors that threaten their human development, such as confinement and the loss of socialization spaces, affecting the development of social skills and, more seriously, becoming the perfect setting to trigger anxious or depressive disorders , the suicide attempt being a reality that exists and that shows a tragedy that must be taken care of.
It is necessary to consider some warning signs that can be expressed in irritability, tantrums, avoidance behaviors, sadness, apathy, lack of concentration, decreased school performance, among others. Something relevant to keep in mind is that behavioral changes in children should be read as messages that communicate something. Therefore, paying attention makes it possible to find solutions that often involve professional help.
On the other hand, as mental health demands have increased, it is important to keep in mind that a large number of children are not receiving timely care due to multiple factors, including lack of financial resources, lack of available hours in public services or perhaps the need on the part of parents has not been identified. , which does not necessarily reflect negligent conduct, but may be due to ignorance.
Mental health in this segment of the population is paramount, especially in the current health context, since children are not the future, but the present, and it is now that strategies of promotion, prevention and intervention in this area must be implemented, putting their needs at the center, relieving their voices, messages, gestures, behaviors so that they can move towards a society that values child well-being.

The content of this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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