translated from Spanish: Alberto Fernández announces the expansion of the Manuel Belgrano scholarships

President Alberto Fernández will announce today the extension of the “Manuel Belgrano” scholarships, an event scheduled in the Buenos Aires party of Florencio Varela. The activity is scheduled for 11:30 at the Arturo Jauretche University, as officially reported. The “Manuel Belgrano” scholarships are intended for students from national and provincial universities in the country who are pursuing strategic careers.” The Manuel Belgrano Strategic Scholarship Program is a system of scholarships to promote access, permanence and completion of undergraduate and undergraduate studies in eight areas of public policy considered key to the country’s economic development and social equality,” says the official website of the Ministry of Education.

In addition, it is indicated that the areas reached are: Food, Environment, Computing and Informatics, Conventional and Alternative Energy, Gas, Logistics and Transport, Mining and Petroleum.” The Scholarships have a duration of 12 months, they can be renewed each year up to a maximum of 3 years in undergraduate careers and 5 years in undergraduate careers, “says the educational portfolio. . Within the official agenda, the chief of staff, Santiago Cafiero, will present together with the Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, the Federal Map of Cuidado.La activity, which will be held at 11:00 in the Casa Rosada, will consist of presenting the federal map, whose proposal reflects, in an interactive way, the public, private and community care services that exist in the different provinces of the country. Fernández and the elections 
The president met in Casa Rosada with Santa Fe Governor Omar Perotti amid the closure of the province’s lists, with the purpose of ordering the candidacies in one of the country’s key districts. In addition, three days before the closing of the lists for the legislative elections, the president said that the Frente de Todos are “well” on their way to defining the pre-candidate who heads the ballot of national deputies for the province of Buenos Aires, while the name of Victoria Tolosa Paz began to sound more strongly. Fernandez did not confirm or deny that the current president of the National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies could head the payroll to fight electorally in the province of Buenos Aires.
On this note:

Original source in Spanish


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