translated from Spanish: A man is arrested in Edomex for beating his baby in CDMX

Mexico City.- Carlos Alberto, 32 years old, was arrested by elements of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Mexico, after beating his three-month-old baby in the Mexican capital. The arrest warrant was executed by Mexican authorities after they received notification from the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJCDMX) about the initiation of an investigation folder for the admission to a hospital of a child under three months of age who had various injuries. The capital authorities were able to determine that the baby was beaten by the father, when he was in his care, in a house located in the Bulevares del Lago neighborhood, in the municipality of Nicolás Romero.Read more: Journalist Ricardo López Domínguez is killed in Guaymas, SonoraOn the moment the child’s mother noticed that he had several red spots on his body , took him to a hospital in Mexico City for medical attention. The child’s body had various injuries, hemorrhages and fractures. These wounds were classified as fatal and determined as syndrome of the abused child, also known as Kempe Syndrome.In view of the evidence, the medical personnel who treated the baby reported to the authorities of Mexico City, who began the investigations and linked the case to the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico so that they could continue with the integration of the investigation folder. Read more: Video. Vehicle explodes in important avenue of Guadalajara; no injuries reported After his arrest, Carlos Alberto N was admitted to the Tlalnepantla Penitentiary and Social Reintegration Center because of the arrest warrant against him. Your legal status will be determined by a supervisory judge.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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