translated from Spanish: AMLO proposes to replace the OAS and form a bloc like the European Union

“The replacement of the Organization of American States (OAS) by a truly autonomous body, not a lackey of anyone but a mediator, should not be ruled out,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said on Saturday.
During his message for the 238th anniversary of Simon Bolivar’s birth, the president proposed to replace the OAS, and called on the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to regional integration, something similar to the European Union.
Read: ‘Let no more work collapse’: the OAS secretary’s response to Ebrard’s criticism

“The proposal is nothing more and nothing less than building something similar to the European Union, but attached to our history, our reality and our identities,” he said.
López Obrador also took the opportunity to talk about U.S. meddling in nations and Cuba’s “resistance” to U.S. “influence.”
In his speech, the president considered that Cuba “deserves to be declared a world heritage site” and “a new numancia for its example of resistance (…) I believe that for their struggle in defense of their sovereignty, of their country, the people of Cuba deserve the prize of dignity.”

“It is already unacceptable in the politics of the last two centuries, characterized by invasions, to put or remove rulers at the whims of the superpower, let’s say goodbye to impositions, interferences, sanctions, exclusions and blockades,” he said.
Despite his criticisms, he stressed that it is time for a new coexistence among all the countries of America since the imposed model is already exhausted and benefits no one. “We have to set aside the choice of integrating with the United States or opposing ourselves defensively.”
Lopez Obrador said that it is no small thing to have a nation like the United States as neighbors and that proximity forces us to seek agreements.
“It would be a grave mistake to kick ourselves with samson, but at the same time we have powerful reasons to assert our sovereignty and demonstrate with arguments, without sloothing, that we are not a protectorate, a colony or its backyard,” he said.

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Original source in Spanish


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