translated from Spanish: “La Voz Argentina”: when does the next instance of the program begin?

More than a month after the return of La Voz Argentina to the screen of Telefé, a new instance begins in the musical-vocal talent program, which seeks to reward the artist who represents the country. After dozens of young people went through the “blind auditions” and the jury, composed of Lali Espósito, Ricardo Montaner, Soledad Pastorutti and Mau and Ricky chose the 24 participants that will make up their team, this Wednesday, July 28 at 22.30 hours the program will enter a new stage called “The battles” , where all selected participants will be re-viewed.

What is this stage? Each coach must arrange confrontations between two participants of his own team. Both singers will perform, as a duet, the same song. At the end of the performance, the coach must decide which of the two is still in the contest and who should leave it. In addition, each coach will have the possibility to steal up to two participants from another team; as detailed in the program.

He starts a new instance in “La Voz Argentina”: The battles | Photo: Courtesy of the press

To prepare the participants, the coaches will have the help of other great references of music such as Nahuel Pennisi, Miranda!, Nicki Nicole and Cazzu who will serve as co-coaches, “providing advice and opinions to the participants during the rehearsals prior to each performance”.

That’s not all. As spin-offs of the program, there are La Voz del Embajador, a cycle hosted live by Marcelo Polino on Sundays at the end of the reality show to review everything that was experienced that night; and “The Return”, with Stefi Roitman in the driving with the fifth coach: Emilia Mernes. It accumulates more than 16 million video views, since its premiere. La Voz Argentina premiered on June 24 and since then it has remained the most watched of Argentine Television, leading in all its broadcasts with an average share of 71.19% and 21.25 rating points, also imposing itself as the most watched of prime time.

Original source in Spanish


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