translated from Spanish: Why is July 27th Anthropologist’s Day?

Every July 27 is celebrated in our country the Day of the Anthropologist, this anniversary is consolidated because on that date, but in 1972, the College of Graduates of Anthropology was created. This establishment brought to the discipline a hierarchy of professional activity, as well as the defense of the rights of anthropologists, the promotion and support for research conducted in this area. This discipline carries out very extensive studies on the biological evolution of the human species, its development, the forms of life throughout history and the diversity of cultures that characterize humanity. The origin of anthropology as a discipline is in the second half of the nineteenth century. At that time, thanks to the Theory of Evolution, numerous fields of society began to study the processes that led to the evolution of society.

Within anthropology, according to the Amercian Anthropological Asscociation (AAA), four essential fields are defined:Archaeology: scientific study of human beings in the past. It is divided into: Archaeoastronomy, Underwater archaeology. Linguistic anthropology: studies the various human languages. Cultural anthropology or Ethnology: studies the behavior of the human being as well as his social relations. Divided in turn into: Anthropology of kinship, Anthropology of religion, Philosophical anthropology. Biological anthropology: refers to the study of the human being as an evolutionary and adaptive being. Divided into: Forensic anthropology, Paleontropology, Genetic anthropology.

Original source in Spanish

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