translated from Spanish: Cuba accused of kidnapping for putting SOSCuba on Twitter

Cuba.- This Wednesday, August 4, social networks became trending the hashtag “SOSCuba” to demand help from the island that recently became world news for a demonstration against the current government. In this regard, Agustin Antonetti, with user “@agusantonetti,” posted that “the Cuban dictatorship is beginning to kidnap people for putting the #SOSCuba on Twitter.” In the same post he asked for help from all people who see the tweet regardless of nationality, since according to his words the administration of President Miguel Díaz-Canel fears the power of the internet.” The Cuban dictatorship is beginning to kidnap people for putting the #SOSCuba on Twitter. The regime has an incredible terror of social media. We can do a lot, from our countries, just with a tweet. Please, let’s help make the #SOSCuba go viral,” he wrote. In the same thread of the social network, he added that spreading the situation in Cuba helps because it motivates the inhabitants to take to the streets to “ask for freedom,” feeling supported by people from all over the world.” And it really serves, a lot. Thanks to the fact that the #SOSCuba went viral all over the world, Cuban citizens were encouraged to take to the streets to ask for freedom because they felt supported, they knew that everyone was watching Cuba and that gave them a lot of courage,” he posted. During the night of this Wednesday, as a product of the concern of hundreds of citizens in different countries, the hashtag “#SOSCuba” became trend number one on the island, reaching six in Mexico and 11 in Panama; all this until the drafting of this text was finished. Read more: Gas station explosion leaves one dead and six injured in VenezuelaThe same user Agustin Antonetti denounced on his Twitter account that Julian Macias Tovar “has become a spokesman for Latin American dictatorships” and put his “name in the hands of the high commands of the Cuban dictatorship, naming me on national television.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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