translated from Spanish: They leave lifeless body in the Bugambilias sector of Culiacán

Culiacan, Sinaloa .- On the boulevard La Navidad to a street of las Torres boulevard in the Bugambilias sector was abandoned the body of a man identified as Mario Eduardo N, approximately 35 years old. The incident was reported around 9: 15 p.m. where it was mentioned that a man had been shot at that site and that the presence of medical personnel was required. Public security elements arrived at the scene/ Photo: Luis Pérez Meza In a few minutes, preventive elements arrived at the place and, when they approached the individual who lay on the sidewalk of the north-south lane, realized that he no longer had vital signs. About the facts, it has not been mentioned how they were recorded only that they heard gun detonations, so they spoke to 911 to report the facts. It should be noted that the area is dark, a situation that the alleged perpetrators of this action took advantage of to escape. At the moment, personnel from the Attorney General’s Office are collecting possible evidence to open an investigation folder. Read more: Body found floating in Culiacan canal; it could be the man dragged by the currentSe mentioned that the body was found tied hands, while at the scene no firearm casings were found, so investigations were carried out to find out the reason for the death. Unofficially it is said that this person had been deprived of liberty in days past. AMLO stops in Guadalajara, Jalisco, to eat gorditas

Original source in Spanish


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