translated from Spanish: Why did Juan Pablo Medina have his leg amputated?

More than two weeks ago, actor Juan Pablo Medina had to be hospitalized as an emergency in Mexico City because of a venous thrombosis. It was not until a few days ago when the situation that one of the protagonists of the series and film “La Casa de las Flores” was going through was revealed; it was also revealed that supposedly to save his life, doctors had to amputate one of his legs. The Cuban astrologer Mhoni Vidente said in El Heraldo de México, that the Mexican-American actor Juan Pablo Medina, lost one of his legs because they did witchcraft. “He is an actor very loved by all Mexicans, he is a good person, very hardworking, I know him in person, he is good people, very nice.” Mhoni Seer said that when a person achieves success, as is the case of Juan Pablo Medina (who has worked in large international productions) “envy surrounds you, witchcraft surrounds you, the evil eye surrounds you, that is why I say and recommend, if you are growing a lot in matters of work, you have fame, power, money, take great care of envy, witchcraft”. Juan Pablo Medina remains hospitalized. Photo: Instagram @juan_pablomedina Mhoni Seer is convinced that Juan Pablo Medina was witchcrafted: “such a strong envy that they had against the actor, who ate it, because definitely the thrombosis in the leg does not cause major complication, they give you a medicine that makes the blood begin to remove the clot and not pass from there, but he had to amputate his leg, the witchcraft came very strong in every way”. Likewise Mhoni Seer that the alleged witchcraft was made by a woman, apparently because of love problems they had in the past.” Unfortunately they were doing a black santería witchcraft, is he going to be able to recover?… Yes… his mom, his dad are praying a lot for him, I recommend that you put holy water on him, that you pray the rosary, that you completely cut off those energies.” Last Monday the actor’s public relations office issued a statement addressed to the media, friends and the general public: “we are writing to you to confirm that Juan Pablo Medina is stable and recovering, in the company of his loved ones after having gone through a critical state of health.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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