translated from Spanish: SRE lies about causes of my dismissal: former minister Jorge F. Hernández

Former Minister Jorge F. Hernandez said that Mexico’s ambassador to Spain, Maria Carmen Oñate Munoz, is being used to justify his dismissal, after the executive director of Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Enrique Marquez, reported that the official’s dismissal was due to “an ethical issue and institutional conduct” and not “an act of censorship.”
In an interview on W Radio’s Thus things program, he said that the ambassador was not consulted or warned that she was going to be used “as a pretext” for her dismissal and that she was even together when the progress of her dismissal was published.
“I read that statement in the presence of the ambassador, we were together at the residence when the trailer was published. She was neither consulted nor warned that she was going to be used as a pretext. That is an injustice to her who is an unblemished lady, who has handled the situation of relations between Mexico and Spain wonderfully,” he said.

Read: Firing of former minister Jorge F. Hernandez was not censorship, but an ethical issue, sre points out
He explained that according to the statements of which he is accused of being a misogynist, he said them at a private, private meal at a friend’s house; he claimed that there he said many barbarities, but none of misogyny or against his boss.
“It seems to me a lie, very alevosa, very devious, that they accuse me of misogynist of something that was said at a table where the diners were my best friends and our wives. It is just that in front of my wife I am going to throw a misogynistic insinuation or in front of the wives of my friends.

“They didn’t get the pretext right, they got tangled up,” he said.

EN @asilascosasw | The writer @FJorgeFHdz was dismissed as Minister for Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of Mexico in Spain and this was what he clarified: “They are using the ambassador, I did not say what they say”
? @warkentin and @jrisco #AsíLasCosasW
— W Radio Mexico (@WRADIOMexico) August 9, 2021

Jorge F. Hernández said that the dismissal had to be justified on the grounds of misogyny because the issue was decontextualized by opposing the “ideologicalized” statements of a public official.
“If my head was cut off, there he dies. But they don’t have to just justice it with lies, that’s the point, that they tell the truth then. If it was for censorship, don’t deny it; if it was for something else, then let them publish it,” he said.
He added that he received 27 WhatsApp calls and that until the twenty-seventh he was told he was fired.
Read: Embassy minister in Spain fired; SRE accuses him of ‘engaging in unworthy behavior’
On Friday, the writer Jorge F. Hernández was dismissed as Minister for Cultural Affairs of the Embassy of Mexico in Spain, after contradicting the current director of Educational Materials of the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP), Marx Arriaga, who said that ‘reading for pleasure is an act of capitalist consumerism’.
“(…) To make it clear forever that in the background you read for pleasure and various pleasures remain in pure reading so that the incredible memories of absolutely illegible upstarts continue to drool,” Hernández wrote in his column Agua de Azar, published in the newspaper Milenio.
Jorge F. Hernandez shared on his networks a communique that would have been sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about his dismissal.
The document states that this “Directorate wants to make known that yesterday the cancellation of the writer Jorge F. Hernández was requested,” who “recently, unfortunately, incurred in serious behaviors and unworthy of an institutional conduct that led us to request the Secretariat the end of his hiring.”
The SRE subsequently issued a similar statement, in which the word “serious” was removed to qualify the writer’s behaviors.

Information regarding the @EmbaMexEsp’s Culture Attaché Office.
— Foreign Relations (@SRE_mx) August 8, 2021

Yesterday, the executive director of the Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) denied that the dismissal of former Minister Jorge F. Hernandez was “an act of censorship,” and explained that this was due to “an ethical issue and institutional conduct.”
Through a personal statement, Enrique Márquez said that “in recent days, in a meeting in Mexico City, Mr. Hernández referred in very offensive and misogynistic terms to who was his boss, the Ambassador of Mexico in Spain, María Carmen Oñate Muñoz. Mr Hernández himself, seeking my support, told me what had happened. This is documented.”
— Enrique Marquez (@emarquezj) August 8, 2021

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Original source in Spanish


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