translated from Spanish: Filo.Música | L-Ghent: how the new cumbiero referent was built

For most of us, L-Ghent entered our lives during the summer of 2020 with the viral hit “L-Ghent RKT”. From there, we knew little of his life about the Caja Negra interview conducted by Julio Leiva, the first in-depth look at the life of Elián Valenzuela.

Raised in General Rodríguez, Province of Buenos Aires, since childhood he was nourished by numerous musical genres such as cumbia and rock. During his adolescence came reggaeton and, finally, the fusion of sounds that is the Cumbia 420.Worker since the age of 16, Elián came to work in several areas such as the manufacture of polyethylene, street vending and even amateur graphic design. All this allowed him to pay for his productions and video clips, in which his neighbors of the neighborhood always participate. After rising as the author of the theme of the summer, came another highlight in his career: the music session with Bizarrap. From there, things didn’t stop.
The collaborations soon began to rain: La Joaqui, Dillom, Ecko and even Pablito Lescano were encouraged to combine their genres and join the wave of cumbia 420.In addition to erasing the boundaries between musical genres, L-Ghent almost did the same in the political sphere: after vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner learned that she recorded her “L-Ghent RKT” with the netbook of Conectar Igualdad, he recommended taking it as an example.

Cfk’s statements motivated statements by government officials and opponents, but Elian ended up clarifying the goals, always with height and even winning over the journalist Eduardo Feinmann.In the middle, he taught the youngest to sing the alphabet and to put together a pitcher of fernet to the older ones. Now, he’s going for his first streaming show as he’s the artist who opens the Claro Sessions.He’s looking forward to in addition to his debut as a father and, as many ask out there, as president? :O

Original source in Spanish


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