translated from Spanish: Catch landslide on beach in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Jalisco.- Today, Tuesday, August 10, tourists who were on the beach “Los muertos” in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, captured on video the moment in which a construction site collapses completely. According to the version circulating in the local media, the structure, located in the hotel zone of the tourist destination, collapsed after a part of the hillside on which it was located was detached from it.
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Due to the collapse of the structure, the traffic of a private street called Santa Barbara was damaged, which is used daily by visitors to arrive at the different hotels in the area that are located on one side of the beach. In the videos circulating on social media, you can see the exact moment when the construction collapses amid shouts from viewers, while people who were at the site began to run. The facts were reported to the Civil Protection and Fire Unit of the state of Jalisco at approximately 6 pm with 20 minutes through the 911.Al arriving at the place, the rescue elements located a house that overlooks the beach that was with a part of its foundations collapsed, since part of the hillside collapsed, which also caused damage to the drainage and water connections of the place. So far, no injuries or deaths have been reported as a result of the collapse, although the area remains under review by relief elements. Read more: Two women’s dismembered bodies found in Ciudad JuarezExtraordinatingly, it is believed that the collapse of the structure was caused by the heavy rains that have hit Puerto Vallarta in recent days, but this version has not been confirmed by the competent authorities.

They catch landslide on the beach “Los muertos” in Puerto Vallarta; tourists run away

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Original source in Spanish

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