translated from Spanish: Women who denounced New York’s governor for harassment were relieved by his resignation

Several of the women who have accused New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of inappropriate behavior on Tuesday were relieved by the politician’s resignation, which comes a week after a New York Attorney General’s Office report was released that concluded he sexually harassed 11 women. In a statement, Mariann Wang, an attorney representing alleged victims Alyssa McGrath, one of Cuomo’s aides, and Virginia Limmiatis, said her clients are “vindicated and relieved that Cuomo can no longer be in a position of power over anyone.” Wang also criticized the governor’s efforts to manipulate and “attack the brave women who spoke out” about what happened. Well-known attorney and women’s rights advocate Gloria Allred, who represents the police who are part of Cuomo’s security team who have accused him of inappropriate behavior — and remains anonymous — and Sherry Vill, a woman who alleges similar behavior, also spoke to the media.” Sherry is glad the governor has resigned,” Allred said at a virtual news conference, adding that police “feel Cuomo did the right thing to do in deciding to resign.” The governor is a lawyer, like me, and he knows what the laws are around sexual harassment, but he seems to have failed to comply with the law in many situations and in many cases, so now he has to face the consequences of his actions,” added Allred, who has defended women in high-key cases of harassment and abuse. including victims of Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein.La attorney declined to confirm whether either of her two clients plans to file a lawsuit against Cuomo, and said she was very pleased that New York State will be led by Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, the first woman to hold that position.” Women are often called to lead when a government entity or a business is faced with important ones,” she said.   

Original source in Spanish


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