translated from Spanish: Salta: Five new cases of coronavirus variants confirmed

The Ministry of Public Health of Salta today confirmed five new cases of variants of coronavirus in the northern province, bringing to 74 the number of people who contracted any of the mutations of the virus. The head of the Epidemiological Surveillance program, Francisco García Campos, reported that, within the framework of regular genomic surveillance, five patients were detected who contracted some variant of the SARS-CoV-2.De them, three correspond to the Gamma variant (Manaus) and two to Lambda (Andean), which to date total 74 people who contracted Covid-19 with any of the mutations of the virus identified in the province.
García Campos said that the Ministry of Public Health received today the results of the Malbrán institute and detailed that, of the new confirmed cases, two of the Gamma variant correspond to the Department of Metán and one to the department of Salta capital, while those of the Lambda variable were detected in Capital and La Caldera.De the 74 people who contracted Covid-19 with any of the variants in the province, 32 correspond to Gamma; 11 a Alpha (United Kingdom); 29 to Lambda; one to Zeta (Rio de Janeiro) and the remaining to the Delta variant.

Original source in Spanish


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